Young and Future Employees

Addvantage 4U’s young employee programme equips young people with the human skills they need to succeed in employment and life.

We focus on helping young people transition effectively from education into work. Frequently, career advice concentrates on getting young people into employment. Our programme enables young people to succeed in the workplace by developing the human skills they need to contribute and progress.

Our young employee programme:

  • Improves the work readiness of entry-level employees, apprentices and graduate entrants so they can make a greater contribution more quickly.
  • Establishes sustainable solutions which:
    • Quantify individuals’ attainment and progress
    • Provide education providers with data showing cohort and individual progress and impact
    • Calculate the business impact for employers
    • Calculate a financial return on investment from the programme

Addvantage 4U also brings education providers and employers together in programmes which benefit:

  • Young people, by giving them the human skills to succeed in the workplace and in life
  • Schools and Colleges, by enhancing their careers offer
  • Employers, by providing new employees able to make contribution earlier in the workplace

“Research shows that 35% of young people change jobs within six months. That’s hard for a young person and expensive for employers.”

Using Verax International’s proven Personal Effectiveness and Productivity – Choices (PEP-C) diagnostic which has been developed from rigorous research into the skills and behaviours that successful young people (16–24-year-olds) display, Addvantage 4U:

  • Objectively measures participants’ behavioural skills against the 13 factors which research shows drive effectiveness and adaptability
  • Provides prioritised and precise recommendations to achieve the most significant impact 
  • Supports and mentors individuals’ development
  • Remeasures to quantify progress and impact.

Our programme meets the needs of young people, by: 

  • Raising their ambitions and horizons
  • Encouraging them to set and helping them achieve realistic goals
  • Enhancing their readiness for learning and supporting academic attainment
  • Preparing them for university, employment or apprenticeship
  • Supporting their wellbeing
Young employee programme at Addvantage 4U

Young Employee Development Programme with PEP-C

Research for PEP-C has identified the 13 adaptability factors which drive effectiveness. PEP measures these factors to analyse what individuals achieve (the outcomes), and what they do (their behaviours), and then diagnoses the cause/effect relationship between the two. The programme therefore provides focussed guidance to individuals on what to change and what not to change and why, and shows the impact of the changes they have made on their outcomes.

Our team works with organisations to deliver PEP-C through the following steps:

  • Orientation, development of outline timetable and communication plan
  • Completion by participants of the short, easy-to-use PEP-C online diagnostic questionnaire
  • Mentoring support, both one-to-one and through group workshops and exercises
  • Provision of a comprehensive handbook
  • Remeasurement to quantify individual progress and business impact
  • Anonymised cohort data analysis to support management
  • Calculation of a financial return on investment for the intervention

Our research also shows that adapting one’s behaviour to engage with different people and changing contexts and circumstances is critical to effectiveness, as the diagram below shows.

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Working with Thomas Gainsborough School, Sudbury, to develop students’ readiness for employment.

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