Our Services

Addvantage 4U‘s diagnostics and transformational change management services enable organisations, teams and individuals to understand what is contributing to or holding back their performance, to identify, plan and implement the steps needed to improve results fast, and to measure the impact of the changes.

Change management services | Addvantage 4U

Addvantage 4U works with businesses and organisations to find and implement practical solutions to make the biggest and quickest differences to business results and performance.

Our services deliver bespoke solutions to your business and focus on helping you achieve the results you want. We produce recommendations tailored to your business from analysis of the data provided by your staff and stakeholders, and benchmark your business against empirical data collected from thousands of organisations. We support effective change programme management, quantify progress at all levels and can provide a financial return on investment for the intervention.

“Our diagnostics and transformational change management allow us to identify the specific measures needed to improve efficiency.”

Our Services

Addvantage 4U’s behavioural diagnostics and methodology can be used to improve the adaptability and effectiveness of:

Business Leaders

Are you a business or team leader who:

  • Is considering implementing a major change in your business, such as a new structure, growth plan, new technology, or new markets?
  • Seeks to improve productivity and results?
  • Is forming a new team or teams?
  • Seeks to improve team performance?
  • Is part of a virtual team with members of other organisations?
  • Understand what you could do personally to improve team and business results?
  • Seeks to strengthen the impact of your business’s leaders on results?
  • Seeks to strengthen the adaptability, effectiveness and wellbeing of your workforce?

Find out more on our whole organisations, leaders and employees service pages.

Change management services at Addvantage 4U

Careers Advisers and Recruiters

Are you a careers adviser who is recruiting or training young employees, apprentices or graduates entering the workplace, looking to improve their:

  • Motivation and ambition for success
  • Resilience
  • Team-working skills
  • Self-confidence
  • Priority setting and personal organisation
  • Wellbeing, and
  • Take ownership of their learning and behaviour, make a larger contribution more quickly to their employer and succeed in employment?

Find out more on our graduates service page.

Change management services at Addvantage 4U