Addvantage 4U’s leader programme uses Verax International’s scientifically researched Leading for Results programme to provide leaders with accurate, reliable and evidenced analysis of how they can maximise their positive impact on their organisation and its results.
Our leader development programme combines our leadership experience and expertise with the scientific analysis of Verax International’s Leading for Results (LFR) diagnostic to help leaders understand how they affect their business and teams and their results, identify the changes they can make and support their implementation.
LFR measures how well an individual leader displays the High-Performance Leadership practices (researched for LFR) and then analyses how these impact Business Performance, Customer Satisfaction, Change, Staff Engagement, Personal Achievement and Relationships.
Leaders are defined by the results they achieve. LFR explains how individual leaders are behaving and the impact (positive or negative) of their approach on the achievement of the organisation’s objectives. It shows what each individual needs to change or do more of in order to contribute better to strategy, operations, results, performance and market-competitiveness.
“Our diagnostics enable us to identify the specific measures needed to improve efficiency and, therefore, effectiveness and to support the implementation of agreed changes.”
How does Leading for Results Work?
Research for Leadership for Results has identified:
- What high performers do that average performers do not
- What high performers achieve that average performers do not
- The relationship between what high achievers do and what they achieve
LFR analyses the results leaders achieve and their leadership practices and then diagnoses the cause/effect relationship between the two. This analysis provides key information to enable higher levels of performance. All leaders bring their personality, experience and knowledge to their role. It is what they do that determines the quality of the results they achieve, as shown in the diagram below:
Aligning Leadership with Strategy
Our methodology can also draw information from your business strategy to calculate the leadership blueprint needed to deliver your business’s desired results and objectives. This can be integrated into LFR to generate a gap analysis between what is required and what the business leaders currently do, making precise recommendations to ensure leadership alignment with the strategy.
Our Leading for Results Programme
We work with organisations to deliver the LFR through logical stages which enable co-creation of programmes which meet clients’ needs and enable them to engage staff and to retain control:
- Orientation, development of outline timetable and communication plan
- Data is gathered through short (15-minute) online diagnostics completed by the leaders themselves, their superiors, peers and reports, and by those with whom they engage inside and outside the organisation.
- Individual LFR Reports provide the results, analysis and recommendations to each leader.
- The agreed programme is delivered through workshops and/or one-to-one engagement.
- A re-measurement diagnostic and report after four to six months quantify progress and impact. Batch reports can also be produced, which aggregate and anonymise data to inform the organisation’s policy and management.